blog 000: hi..

i think this will read better on mobile for now..

i made this website because i was applying to a salary job and i realized i don't really have my work in one place; i've been doing a lot these 3 years and the evidence is all on twitter >__> with all the traveling i do, i spend so much time at airports. I can see this being a more productive use of time over yet another rimworld colony..

i spent a few hours porting over some pictures on twitter for the gallery and i embedded the soundcloud jungle mixes i've been commissioning to the jungle.. there is still much work to do but this is a good start..

plans I have so far:

some technical plans:

i thought about having a guestbook but you can just say hi to me in my discord server >_> there's like 2,000 people in it

speaking of..

my discord server is going to retain high quality scans of everything flat that has gone through my shop; I will not be hosting those on here in the interest of space.. I would rather spend that storage on audio..

for more selfish reasons, I might make a catalog of all of the video games and CDs i have so that when i'm traveling i don't buy duplicates (i'm sad to say i've done this more than once).. i have a handwritten list but i don't travel with it >__> so it's a bit behind.

okay that's all i have for now..


4 july 2024